How is my new license already suspended?

In suspended license by Heather

I deal with clients who have traffic tickets, suspended licenses and things of that nature all the time. Every once in a while someone calls me because they tried to get their license for the first time and they find out they can’t. Turns out their new license is suspended. And of course they’re very confused because how can I have a suspended license if I’ve never had a license before.

In Louisiana, if you get a traffic ticket and you don’t pay it, the court issues a suspended license for you with a dummy number in their system.

So you can in fact be suspended before you even get your license from the DMV. Maybe you go and complete your driving class, pass your test, go down to get your shiny new license and find out yes, you already have a flag on it. The good thing is clearing up this issue isn’t the end of the world. It doesn’t take that long and you can text or call me for help with the process of resolving this issue.

If it’s something you have a question about and you’re getting the run around from the DMV, feel free to give me a shout. You can always shoot me a text at 504-535-LADY or 535-5239